On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Forgiveness

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.”
~ Catherine Ponder

Resentment or bitterness transforms you into a slave. The other person may not know it, but they are now in control of your emotions.

This Christmas season I want to dare you to give the most expensive, most lavish gift you can give . . . true forgiveness. Really it does not matter what they did, because the actions of the past are just that, in the past. Take action today to change both of your futures for the good.

God did it, why can’t you?

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Posted by on December 14, 2011 in Relationships


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Daily Routine for Network Marketers

A lot of people believe that in network marketing you make a couple calls a week and then spend the rest of your time sipping martinis in Fiji. Well, that may be what an accomplished network marketer is doing now that he has leveraged his time and money to work for him. However, most of the population in network marketing are still working to gain that level.

It’s true that in network marketing you can live your dreams, but it is also true that you can’t get something from nothing. You will have to commit yourself to do some of the ground work now to achieve your financial goals later.

Lets look at some of the daily routines that have helped many top earners become what they are today. Commit to doing these things yourself and you will start to see not only better results, but a better you.

1. Create one piece of content every single day

Either a blog post, an article, a video, or whatever

If you struggle with this you can do what I do. When I have some extra time, I’ll put together several posts, and tweets, and articles. Then with some easy to use programs schedule them to be posted all throughout the week. That way I can focus on other things while my websites are still streaming new content.

2. Spend an average of 30 minuets per day on marketing

Study marketing, get to know the field.

Here again you can either spend money and get a quality education, or you can spend time and find some recourses for free (i.e. library, Ezine Articles, etc.) Either way you have to invest one or the other.

3. Spend an average of 15-30 minutes per day on mindset

Remember what you put in is what you get out. The news may be factual information, but it’s often depressing. If you want a better life, start thinking better.

There are tons of books on this subject, not to mention tapes, videos, seminars, etc.

Something I love is my subscription to Success magazine. They provide great material and CDs on these topics.

4. Affirmation

How you see yourself is how others will see you. Build up a positive outlook on life and you will become the type of person people want to join.

5. Meditation

When you are able to calm your mind you will find it takes so much more for you to become upset.

6. Make connections with 20 people per day

This can be online or offline.

Don’t be concerned about when to pitch them. Instead be concerned about making a connection and finding out what they want out of life. Become a problem solver not a Super-Salesman.

Start implementing these tactics into your daily routine and people will start to notice.

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Posted by on December 13, 2011 in Inspiration, Networking


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Convert More Leads by Becoming a Master of Questions – Part 2

Last post we talked about using questions to help you find out what your leads are most passionate about, and then using that information to build a proper response to them in order to attract them to your business.

Let’s move on to part 2 where we discover how to use questions to find out more about the people who already have a slight interest in your opportunity.

If you have someone who may be curious to start a new business, and they’ve given you their contact information. The first thing to do is to actually call them up. Seriously! I have seen more people sign up under the person who actually called them back than the other sites they’ve opted into. Even though they filled out their contact information on that website. When someone gives you their phone number it’s like they are saying, “Pretty please, call me. I am interested in what you have, I just need someone to call me.” (I shouldn’t even be telling you this, because I do call my leads, but I really do want you to succeed too, so call you leads!)

Now, when you do contact them use some more questions to find their desires and don’t be pitchy. Ask them, “What has recently changed in your life that has you open to a home based business?” Notice I didn’t say to ask them “Would you be open to a home based business?” Because the natural response to that is, “Nah.” Instead ask them about their life, figure out why they’re filling in their information on your website and looking for more income.

As before, try to find where they are in life and connect that with what your business can offer. Try ever so hard not to tell them ALL the benefits of your opportunity. Instead focus on the things that would appeal most to them. In conversation less is most always more.

You see people don’t really ever care about what you want. I know it sounds selfish, but most every person in the world cares only about what they want. They would love to tell you about themselves, so don’t worry if it will actually strike up a conversation. Eventually they’re going to tell you all about themselves wether you ask them or not.

Above all remember that people never join companies, they join people. So become a person other people want to join.

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Posted by on December 11, 2011 in Networking


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Convert More Leads by Becoming a Master of Questions – Part 1

Listen to people's dreams.Do you struggle when it comes to telling people about your business or opportunity? Have you memorized your “script” and diligently recite it when you make a call, but still hear more no’s than care to count?

Well, first off, you’re not alone. The market has been seemingly completely saturated with different types for MLMs, direct sales, and network marketing companies. So much so that when you ask someone if they are open to a new business they automatically think “pyramid scheme” and shut it down without a single look. Also, in this economy, regular everyday people don’t want to spend any more money on a business when they are doing all they can to survive now. So how can you, as a network marketer, expect to convert any of your leads? Or even get leads for that matter?

Instead of throwing out your pitch to a potential lead why not get to know them a bit first. I promise if you do this they will give you the information you need to “close” them into your business.

Most people realize that there is money in network marketing, they’ve seen it. You have to help them connect the dots of their dreams to your opportunity.

Before you start in to your script ask them this, “Would you be open to a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you are currently doing?” Then, and this is the key, DON’T sell them your opportunity yet. Instead, if they respond with a positive answer ask them, “Why would you be open?”

At this point you need to shut up and listen. Listen to their concerns, their needs, their wants and desires. Don’t be thinking about what to say next. Just be present in the moment with them telling you their heart.

Finally, when you have a good idea of what that person is passionate about then start to link your opportunity or product with that dream. They will trust you more for listening to their desires and you will be seen as a hero that can help them reach their hearts desires.

I would also go as far as to say don’t abandon them at this stage. wether or not they sign up. Instead stay with them and continue to care about them. And if/when they do sign up take them under your wing and help them achieve that goal as well, but that’s another article, for another time.

In our next article we’ll talk about what to do after you do get some leads.

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Posted by on December 10, 2011 in Networking


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Build a Castle on Your Swamp

Humans are a special species. We have the ability to either adapt to, or to adapt our surroundings. We can either change to meet the demands nature places on us, or we can change nature.

Your future can be anything you want it to be. Your past is the foundation on which you build your future using the tools of the present.

Now I understand that your past may not be the best, most firtle land to build on, but that only means you need to work harder to build your castle.

Even if your past is a swamp, you can still build a castle on it.

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Posted by on December 8, 2011 in Inspiration


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Rediscover why we’re best friends

Starbucks™ CupAs I pulled up to get my warm cup o’ joe on this chilly day I saw a sign in the window “Let’s rediscover why we’re best friends.” I chuckled as I thought to myself, “Yes Starbucks™, you are one of my good, good friends. (Maybe not my best, but a really good one.)” The phrase was also on my cup.

As I gazed at the paper mug the thought hit me, why is it I and many other people like Starbucks™ so much? Yes, it’s true they have some of the finest coffee in the world, but you know what there are a lot of other coffee shops with similar quality beverages. I think one of the reasons we love Starbucks™ is because the atmosphere of their stores. They seam to encourage you to sit down, relax, chat with friends, feel free to kindle a relationship right here in our walls.

Who is your best friend? You do have at least one right? What was it that made you best friends? I can almost bet you that it didn’t happen right away. Sure, there is always that spark of camaraderie that can happen instantly, but that’s not what keeps a relationship strong. No, it is most likely time. Time spent together, talking, hanging, doing whatever.

Today spend some time rediscovering why you’re best friends.

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Posted by on December 7, 2011 in Relationships


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Silver or Gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.

Is your business struggling in this debilitating economy? Well, you’re not alone. It’s no secret that America, and even the world, are still in the midst of a economic meltdown, and according to people in-the-know it’s only bound to get a lot worse. However in this time there is something I want you to consider about providing to your customers for free, yes free! And in exchange I would bet they’ll give you their business.

A lot of the doom sayers will say that “You must invest in gold and silver. They are the only true currency.” And while there are a lot of truths to that I would dare to say that one commodity is even more valuable. That is information. Because without information how would you know exactly when to buy and when to sell your gold?

I will continue to blog about this more in the future (as long as the Mayans and doomsayers are wrong), but right now let me say this. If you set yourself as a person or a company who is willing to give the customer information they need, wouldn’t it make since that they then see you as a qualified individual or company, and then be eager to buy from someone, like you, whom they now trust?

Think about it. Give the customer something of value, before you ask for their things of value (money) and both parties will become more valuable in return.

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Posted by on December 6, 2011 in Relationships


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Give the Gift of Time

This holiday season why not give the gift that costs nothing to give, but can mean the world to the one who receives it. When you stop everything to take the time for someone else there really is no better way to show them that they are important to you. Even if you are completely broke this holiday you still have the same currencey as every other person on earth, your time. Spend it wisely.

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Posted by on December 5, 2011 in Uncategorized


Hot Cider

Well, this post happens to be a little later than I had intended, but I’m sure all of you are still enjoying your hot chocolate from yesterday any ways.

Alright, Hot Apple Cider, you ready?

Take a crock pot a.k.a. slow cooker. Pour in your favorite apple cider (or apple juice will work just fine too). Add 2 to 4 sticks of cinnamon and presto. You’ll have a wonderful warm drink that is great to sip, sit, and chat with friends.

Enjoy, and happy holidays.

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Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Uncategorized


Fireplace + Hot Beverage + Family = Magic

During these cold months around the holidays is the perfect time to strengthen the relationships with those you love. My devotional this morning reminded me how important it is we stay focused on the things that really matter most. “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:41-42 (NIV)

Take some time out this holiday from all the hustle and bussle of the season and really focus on the ones who are most important to you.

And as an extra treat I’m including a recipe for some great Hot Chocolate courtesy of one of my favorite cooks, Paula Deen. Also stay tuned and tomorrow I’ll have a easy recipe for some great apple cider (this one from my own grandma Alexander).



1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1   (14-ounce) can Sweetened Condensed Milk (not evaporated milk)
6 1/2 cups hot water
Mini Marshmallows (optional)


In a large saucepan, combine sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, vanilla and salt; mix well.  Over medium heat, slowly stir in water; heat through, stirring occasionally.  DO NOT BOIL.  Top with marshmallows, if desired.

Tip:  Chocolate can be store in the refrigerator up to 5 days.  Mix well and reheat before serving.

Recipe Courtesy Paula Deen

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Posted by on December 3, 2011 in Relationships


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